Source code for hw_node

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
#   Copyright 2014 Marco Rigoni                                               #
#               #
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify      #
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
#   (at your option) any later version.                                       # 
#																			  #
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           #
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
#   GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
#                                                                             #
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.     #

"""| This module is responsable for the handling of each node in the system.
   | It generates the setup pin configuration to send to the nodes.
   | It stores each node pin setup and last time sync. 

from  conf import *

#maxPin  is 20 for arduino 2009/uno   (14+6)  but  on wireless node   5 pin are used for comunication

#note...if you use also only one analog input as a digital can't use the left pins to read analog values!

#Pin mode description:  
# DOUTPUT=0  -->  digital pin output setted to 0
# DOUTPUT=1  -->  digital pin output setted to 1
# DINPUT=0   -->  digital pin input  readed and the value is 0
# DINPUT=1   -->  digital pin input  readed and the value is 1
# AINPUT=0   -->  analog  pin input  readed and the value is 0
# AINPUT=255 -->  analog  pin input  readed and the value is 255
# AOUTPUT=0   --> pwm  output setted to 0
# AOUTPUT=255 --> pwm  output setted to 255
# SOPUTPUT=180--> servo moved to 180 degreese
#the analog pin can't be used as digital and then reused for analog unless you reboot arduino
[docs]class HwNode: __node_name="room0_n0" def __init__(self,NodeSerialNumber,hwModel,address,node_fw): self.NodeSerialNumber=NodeSerialNumber self.address=address self.node_fw=node_fw self.hwModelName=hwModel["hwName"] self.maxPin=hwModel["max_pin"] self.hwType=hwModel["hardware_type"] self.timeout=hwModel["timeout"] #time (in seconds) onos will let pass without contact with the node after which the node will be setted as inactive self.nodeObjectsDict={} self.NodeSerialNumber=self.NodeSerialNumber self.total_pin={} self.last_node_sync=time.time() self.isActive=1 j=0 while (j<( (8*9)+1 ) ): # create all the unused pin #banana to use only the pin used not all till the pin number! self.total_pin[j]=j j=j+1 self.pins_status={} self.pins_status_old={} self.pins_io_mode=[] self.pins_analog_in_mode=[] self.pins_analog_out_mode=[] self.pins_servo_mode=[] self.pins_io_status=[] self.used_pin=[] self.used_pin=getListUsedPinsByHardwareModel(self.hwModelName) tmp_digital_input_pins=getListPinsConfigByHardwareModel(self.hwModelName,"digital_input") tmp_digital_sr_relay_pins=getListPinsConfigByHardwareModel(self.hwModelName,"sr_relay") #tmp_digital_output_pins=getListPinsConfigByHardwareModel(self.hwModelName,"digital_output") tmp_analog_input_pins=getListPinsConfigByHardwareModel(self.hwModelName,"analog_input") tmp_analog_output_pins=getListPinsConfigByHardwareModel(self.hwModelName,"analog_output") tmp_servo_pins=getListPinsConfigByHardwareModel(self.hwModelName,"servo_output") #tmp_special_pins=getListPinsConfigByHardwareModel(self.hwModelName,"special_pin") for i in self.total_pin.keys():#banana to use only the pin used not all till the pin number! self.pins_status[i]="DOUTPUT=0" #BY DEFAULT SET ALL PINS AS DIGITAL OUTPUT AND SET THEM TO 0 self.pins_status_old[i]=self.pins_status[i] self.pins_io_mode.append(1) #binary mode set as output self.pins_io_status.append(0)#binary pin set to 0 self.pins_servo_mode.append(0) # set as not used for servo self.pins_analog_in_mode.append(0) # set as not used for analog input self.pins_analog_out_mode.append(0) # set as not used for anolog out # 1 for output 0 for input #banana to add a check in order to block the setup of a pin with multiple modes for i in self.total_pin.keys(): # i iterates through all pins (also the unused ones) inside_some_category=0 if i in tmp_digital_input_pins: self.pins_status[i]="DINPUT=9999" # set the pin as digital input ,9999 is a impossible value used as marker self.pins_io_mode[i]=0 #binary mode set as input if i in tmp_analog_input_pins: self.pins_status[i]="AINPUT=9999" # set the pin as analog input ,9999 is a impossible value used as marker self.pins_io_mode[i]=0 #binary mode set as not digitalinput need to be so for the arduino digitalread setup code self.pins_analog_in_mode[i]=1 if i in tmp_servo_pins: self.pins_status[i]="SOUTPUT=9999" # set the pin as servo pin ,9999 is a impossible value used as marker self.pins_io_mode[i]=1 #binary mode set as output self.pins_servo_mode[i]=1 if i in tmp_analog_output_pins: self.pins_status[i]="AOUTPUT=9999" # set the pin as analog_output ,9999 is a impossible value used as marker self.pins_io_mode[i]=1 #binary mode set as not digitalinput self.pins_analog_out_mode[i]=1
[docs] def isPinOk(self,pin): """ Return 1 if the given pin exist in this hardware node, 0 otherwise """ if (pin in self.pins_status): return(1) #pin is in the range for the hardware else: logprint("error ,the pin is not in the range hardware",verbose=7) return(0) #pin is NOT in the range for the hardware
[docs] def setNodePinMode(self,pin,mode): # """| Given a pin number and a mode, set the pin mode | The options for mode are: - "DOUTPUT" : digital output - "AOUTPUT" : analog output - "SOUTPUT" : servo motor output - "DINPUT" : digital input - "AINPUT" : analog input """ if type(mode) is not str : loprint("error in setNodePinMode , passed a non string type as mode",verbose=8) return(-1) if self.isPinOk(pin): try: self.pins_status[pin]=mode if mode=="DOUTPUT": self.pins_io_mode[pin]=1 if mode=="AOUTPUT": self.pins_io_mode[pin]=1 if mode=="SOUTPUT": #servo controll pin self.pins_io_mode[pin]=1 if mode=="DINPUT": self.pins_io_mode[pin]=0 if mode=="AINPUT": #bug ...error self.pins_io_mode[pin]=0 return(1) except Exception as e : message="hw_node() pin setting error in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber+"pin:"+str(pin)+" mode:"+str(mode) logprint(message,verbose=8,error_tuple=(e,sys.exc_info())) return(-1) else: logprint("error,pin out of range , cannot set the digital input pin status in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1)
[docs] def setDigitalPinInputStatus(self,pin,status):#the options for status are an int obsolete """ Deprecated , not used anymore. """ if self.isPinOk(pin) : try: self.pins_status[pin]="DINPUT="+str(status) return(1) except: logprint("error, pin not setted as digital input in this in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1) else: logprint("error, pin out of range , cannot set the digital input pin status ") return(-1)
[docs] def setAnalogPinInputStatus(self,pin,status):#the options are from 0 to 255 """ Deprecated , not used anymore. """ if self.isPinOk(pin) : try: self.pins_status[pin]="AINPUT="+str(status) #status are from: "AINPUT=0" to "AINPUT=255" return(1) except: logprint("pin not setted as digital input in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1) else: logprint("error,pin out of range , cannot set the digital input pin status ",verbose=8) return(-1)
[docs] def setDigitalPinOutputStatus(self,pin,status):#the options for status are int value obsolete method """Deprecated , not used anymore """ if self.isPinOk(pin) : try: self.pins_status[pin]="DOUTPUT"+str(status) #status are from: "AINPUT=0" to "AINPUT=255" return(1) except: logprint("error, pin not setted as digital input in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1) else: logprint("error, pin out of range , cannot set the digital input pin status ") return(-1)
# def setNodeSerialNumber(self,name): #set the node name # self.NodeSerialNumber=name # return(1)
[docs] def setNodeAddress(self,address): """| Set the node address with the string passed | Example: "" """ self.address=address return(1)
[docs] def getPinStatus(self,pin): #return the PinStatus """Deprecated , not used anymore """ if self.isPinOk(pin) : try: self.pins_status[pin] return(self.pins_status[pin]) except: logprint("error, pin read problem in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1) else: logprint("error, read pin out of range in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1)
[docs] def getPinMode(self,pin): #return the Pin mode """Deprecated , not used anymore """ if self.isPinOk(pin) : try: #self.pins_status[pin] s=string.find (self.pins_status[pin],"=") s1=self.pins_status[pin][0:s] return(s1) except: logprint("error,pin mode problem in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1) else: logprint("error, mode pin out of range in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1)
[docs] def setNodeObjectAddress(self,objectAddress,objectName): """ | Set the objectname to an address in the node | """ self.nodeObjectsDict[objectAddress]=objectName return(1)
[docs] def getNodeObjectAddress(self,objectName): """ | Given a objectname it will return its address in the node | """ #print ("getNodeObjectAddress executed with :"+objectName) for a in self.nodeObjectsDict.keys(): if self.nodeObjectsDict[a]==objectName: #print ("found objectName address") return(a) return(-1)
[docs] def getNodeObjectFromAddress(self,objectAddress): """ | Get the objectname in the node address | """ return(self.nodeObjectsDict[objectAddress])
[docs] def getnodeObjectsDict(self): """ | Get the objectname in the node address | """ return(self.nodeObjectsDict)
[docs] def getNodeHwModel(self): return(self.hwModelName)
[docs] def getHwType(self): """ Return the node hardware type like:\n - gl.inet_only - arduino_promini - rasberry_b_rev2_only - arduino2009 """ return(self.hwType)
[docs] def setNodeFwVersion(self,nodeVersion): """| Set the node firmware version with the given string | Example "4.15" """ self.node_fw=nodeVersion return(self.node_fw)
[docs] def getNodeFwVersion(self): """| Return a string containing the node firmware version | An example is "5.14" """ return(self.node_fw)
[docs] def getNodeAddress(self): """Return the node address , if the address is 0 then the node is the arduino over usb (todo)""" return(self.address)
[docs] def getNodeSerialNumber(self): """| Return the node serial number. | For example "Plug6way0001" """ return(self.NodeSerialNumber)
[docs] def getMaxPinNumber(self): """Return the number of pin present in the node""" return(self.maxPin)
[docs] def getUsedPins(self): """Return the list of used pins""" return(self.used_pin)
[docs] def updateLastNodeSync(self,time): """When called update the time from last node time sync with the given one""" self.last_node_sync=time return()
[docs] def getLastNodeSync(self): """Return the the time from last node time sync""" return(self.last_node_sync)
[docs] def getNodeTimeout(self): """| Return the time after which the node is declared inactive. | So if getLastNodeSync() is greater than this self.timeout the node will be setted as inactive | self.timeout is readed from hardwareModelDict in""" return(self.timeout)
[docs] def setNodeActivity(self,value): """Set the node activity status with the one given. :param value: - The value to set the node activity should be a integer of 0 or 1 | 0 If the node is inactive | 1 If the node is active """ self.isActive=value
[docs] def getNodeActivity(self): """Return the node activity status. """ return(self.isActive)
[docs] def setNodeAnalogInputStatusFromReg(self,pin_number,low_byte,high_byte): """ | Given a pin number, and two bytes return the analog value in an single integer. | Since arduino analogRead return a 10 bit analog value to send it I need to split it in two bytes (8 bit each) | so arduino will send 2 bytes the low_byte and the high_byte , this function will rebuild the number from those two bytes """ if self.isPinOk(pin_number) : if self.pins_status[pin_number][0:6]=="AINPUT": #check if the pin is a analog input # print ("added analog status") analog_value=low_byte+(high_byte*256) #the data is splitted in 2 byte so to get it i made this math analog_value=str(analog_value) while len(analog_value) <4 : #to make the format 0000 analog_value="0"+analog_value self.pins_status[pin_number]="AINPUT="+str(analog_value) return(analog_value) else: # pin not used as analog input logprint("warning: the pin is not setted as analog input") return("9999") else: logprint("pin out of range , cannot set the digital input pin status ") return("9999")
[docs] def setNodeSectionDInputStatus(self,section_number,status_byte): """| Set the node status pins of a section (8 bit) received from arduino. | if the section status is different from the previous one then check | what pins changed and ask the to change the webobj status of the relative pins | i don't need a setNodeSectionDoutputStatus because the output status will be saved in the webobject status. """ binary_mask=[1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128] pin_to_update={} for i in range(0, 8): # from 0 to 7 ,for all the pins in the section pin=((section_number*8)+i) logprint("self.pins_status="+str(self.pins_status[pin])+"pin="+str(pin) ) if self.pins_status[pin][0:6]=="DINPUT": #check if the pin is a digital input # print self.pins_io_status current_state=status_byte & binary_mask[i] # make an & in order to get the status of each bit of the byte if (current_state>0) : # to make it boolean ,0 or 1 current_state=1 logprint("pin_status="+str(current_state)+"binary_mask[i]="+str(binary_mask[i]) ) self.pins_io_status[pin]==current_state self.pins_status[pin]="DINPUT="+str(current_state) if (self.pins_status[pin]!=self.pins_status_old[pin]): #if something change from the previous update.. self.pins_status_old[pin]=self.pins_status[pin] pin_to_update[pin]=str(current_state) logprint("pin number"+str(pin)+"of_node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber+"changed status to:"+self.pins_status[pin] ) return(pin_to_update)
[docs] def getNodeSectionStatusByPin(self,pin): """ Given a pin return a tuple with: - The number of the section where the pin is located - The the node status register for the section (8 bit) containing that pin | Structure: | (the section0 is relative to the first 8 pins , from pin 0 to pin 7) msb left | (the section1 is relative to the pins from 8 to 15) | (the section2 is relative to the pins from 16 to 23 ) | (the section3 is relative to the pins from 24 to 31) | (the section4 is relative to the pins from 32 to 39 ) | (the section5 is relative to the pins from 40 to 47) | (the section6 is relative to the pins from 48 to 55 ) """ section=pin//8 #get the section that is the division from pin number and 8 without remainder.. status_reg=(self.pins_io_status[section*8])*128 status_reg=status_reg+(self.pins_io_status[(section*8)+1])*64 status_reg=status_reg+(self.pins_io_status[(section*8)+2])*32 status_reg=status_reg+(self.pins_io_status[(section*8)+3])*16 status_reg=status_reg+(self.pins_io_status[(section*8)+4])*8 status_reg=status_reg+(self.pins_io_status[(section*8)+5])*4 status_reg=status_reg+(self.pins_io_status[(section*8)+6])*2 status_reg=status_reg+(self.pins_io_status[(section*8)+7])*1 #now pins_io_status is a byte containing each pin status. status_reg=unichr(status_reg) return((section,status_reg))
[docs] def getNodeStatusList(self): """ :warning: Never used Return a list containing the node status for each pin. """ return(self.pins_status)
[docs] def getPinModeList(self): """ :warning: Never used Return the Pin mode list containing all the pin mode. """ b=[] for a in self.pins_status: try: s=string.find (a,"=") s1=a[0:s] b.append(s1) except: logprint("pin mode problem in node:"+self.NodeSerialNumber) return(-1) return(b)
[docs] def getNodeSectionMode(self): """ :warning: Never used | Return a list containing the node mode for each section (8 bit) | (the section0 is relative to the first 8 pins , from pin 0 to pin 7) msb left | (the section1 is relative to the pins from 8 to 15) | (the section2 is relative to the pins from 16 to 23 ) | (the section3 is relative to the pins from 24 to 31) | (the section4 is relative to the pins from 32 to 39 ) | (the section5 is relative to the pins from 40 to 47) | (the section6 is relative to the pins from 48 to 55 ) """ logprint("used pins by node="+str(self.used_pin) ) section=0 d_conf_string="" s_conf_string="" ai_conf_string="" ao_conf_string="" p_used_string="" # print "len self.pins_servo_mode :"+str(len(self.pins_servo_mode)) # print "len self.total_pin :"+str(len(self.total_pin)) # print "len self.pins_io_mode :"+str(len(self.pins_io_mode)) # print "len self.pins_analog_in_mode :"+str(len(self.pins_analog_in_mode)) # print "len self.pins_analog_out_mode :"+str(len(self.pins_analog_out_mode)) while ((8*section)<(8*9)): # print "sectionx8="+str(section*8) p_used=0 p_used=(self.total_pin[section*8] in self.used_pin)*1 #print "pin0="+str((self.total_pin[section*8] in self.used_pin)*1) p_used=p_used+(self.total_pin[section*8+1] in self.used_pin)*2 #print "pin1="+str((self.total_pin[section*8+1] in self.used_pin)*2) p_used=p_used+(self.total_pin[section*8+2] in self.used_pin)*4 #print "pin2="+str((self.total_pin[section*8+2] in self.used_pin)*4) p_used=p_used+(self.total_pin[section*8+3] in self.used_pin)*8 #print "pin3="+str((self.total_pin[section*8+3] in self.used_pin)*8) p_used=p_used+(self.total_pin[section*8+4] in self.used_pin)*16 #print "pin4="+str((self.total_pin[section*8+4] in self.used_pin)*16) p_used=p_used+(self.total_pin[section*8+5] in self.used_pin)*32 #print "pin5="+str((self.total_pin[section*8+5] in self.used_pin)*32) p_used=p_used+(self.total_pin[section*8+6] in self.used_pin)*64 #print "pin6="+str((self.total_pin[section*8+6] in self.used_pin)*64) p_used=p_used+(self.total_pin[section*8+7] in self.used_pin)*128 #print "pin7="+str((self.total_pin[section*8+7] in self.used_pin)*128) #print "p_used int="+str(p_used) p_used=chr(p_used) p_used_string=p_used_string+p_used #print "p_used_string="+p_used_string d_setup=0 d_setup=(self.pins_io_mode[section*8])*1 d_setup=d_setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+1])*2 d_setup=d_setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+2])*4 d_setup=d_setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+3])*8 d_setup=d_setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+4])*16 d_setup=d_setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+5])*32 d_setup=d_setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+6])*64 d_setup=d_setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+7])*128 d_setup=chr(d_setup) d_conf_string=d_conf_string+d_setup s_setup=0 s_setup=(self.pins_servo_mode[section*8])*1 #servo setup s_setup=s_setup+(self.pins_servo_mode[(section*8)+1])*2 s_setup=s_setup+(self.pins_servo_mode[(section*8)+2])*4 s_setup=s_setup+(self.pins_servo_mode[(section*8)+3])*8 s_setup=s_setup+(self.pins_servo_mode[(section*8)+4])*16 s_setup=s_setup+(self.pins_servo_mode[(section*8)+5])*32 s_setup=s_setup+(self.pins_servo_mode[(section*8)+6])*64 s_setup=s_setup+(self.pins_servo_mode[(section*8)+7])*128 s_setup=chr(s_setup) s_conf_string=s_conf_string+s_setup ai_setup=0 ai_setup=(self.pins_analog_in_mode[section*8])*1 #analog input setup ai_setup=ai_setup+(self.pins_analog_in_mode[(section*8)+1])*2 ai_setup=ai_setup+(self.pins_analog_in_mode[(section*8)+2])*4 ai_setup=ai_setup+(self.pins_analog_in_mode[(section*8)+3])*8 ai_setup=ai_setup+(self.pins_analog_in_mode[(section*8)+4])*16 ai_setup=ai_setup+(self.pins_analog_in_mode[(section*8)+5])*32 ai_setup=ai_setup+(self.pins_analog_in_mode[(section*8)+6])*64 ai_setup=ai_setup+(self.pins_analog_in_mode[(section*8)+7])*128 #print "ai setup for section:"+str(section)+"=="+str(ai_setup) ai_setup=chr(ai_setup) ai_conf_string=ai_conf_string+ai_setup ao_setup=0 ao_setup=(self.pins_analog_out_mode[section*8])*1 #analog output setup ao_setup=ao_setup+(self.pins_analog_out_mode[(section*8)+1])*2 ao_setup=ao_setup+(self.pins_analog_out_mode[(section*8)+2])*4 ao_setup=ao_setup+(self.pins_analog_out_mode[(section*8)+3])*8 ao_setup=ao_setup+(self.pins_analog_out_mode[(section*8)+4])*16 ao_setup=ao_setup+(self.pins_analog_out_mode[(section*8)+5])*32 ao_setup=ao_setup+(self.pins_analog_out_mode[(section*8)+6])*64 ao_setup=ao_setup+(self.pins_analog_out_mode[(section*8)+7])*128 ao_setup=chr(ao_setup) ao_conf_string=ao_conf_string+ao_setup section=section+1 tmp_dict={} tmp_dict["used_pins"]=p_used_string tmp_dict["digital_conf"]=d_conf_string tmp_dict["servo_conf"]=s_conf_string tmp_dict["analog_input_conf"]=ai_conf_string tmp_dict["analog_output_conf"]=ao_conf_string # for n in ai_conf_string : #banana to remove # print "an setup ="+str(ord(n)) #banana to remove return(tmp_dict)
[docs] def getSetupMsg(self): """Return a encoded string containing the setup mode for the node pins I need to encode the pin setup in a sinmple and compact way. Here the protocol: .. code-block:: python start with 's=' then add 9 bytes that rappresent the pin used (1 for pin used 0 for not used) after that 9 bytes that rappresent the digital pin setup from pin0 to pin 127 after that 9 bytes that tell arduino which pin to set as analog input after that 9 bytes that tell arduino which pin to set as pwm output after that 9 bytes that tell arduino which pin to set as servo output then 1 byte for future use , for now '#' example:"s=000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000#" the 0 are not 0 but the value corrisponding to ascii '0' total 48 byte """ logprint("getSetupMsg executed") tmp_dict=self.getNodeSectionMode() msg="s=" #msg=msg+"pu" msg=msg+tmp_dict["used_pins"] #msg=msg+"ds" msg=msg+tmp_dict["digital_conf"] #get the binary digital io configuration #msg=msg+"ai" msg=msg+tmp_dict["analog_input_conf"] #msg=msg+"ao" msg=msg+tmp_dict["analog_output_conf"] #msg=msg+"sm" msg=msg+tmp_dict["servo_conf"]+"#" #logprint("msg="+msg+" len msg="+str(len(msg)) ) return (msg)
[docs] def getNodeSectionModeByPin(self,pin): """ Deprecated , not used anymore. Given a pin return the node mode for the section (8 bit) containing that pin. """ #(the section0 is relative to the first 8 pins , from pin 0 to pin 7) msb left #(the section1 is relative to the pins from 8 to 15) #(the section2 is relative to the pins from 16 to 23 ) #(the section3 is relative to the pins from 24 to 31) #(the section4 is relative to the pins from 32 to 39 ) #(the section5 is relative to the pins from 40 to 47) #(the section6 is relative to the pins from 48 to 55 ) section=pin//8 #get the section that is the division from pin number and 8 without remainder.. setup=(self.pins_io_mode[section*8])*128 setup=setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+1])*64 setup=setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+2])*32 setup=setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+3])*16 setup=setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+4])*8 setup=setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+5])*4 setup=setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+6])*2 setup=setup+(self.pins_io_mode[(section*8)+7])*1 setup=unichr(setup) return(setup)
[docs] def close(self): self.exit=1 logprint("class hw_node destroyed")