Source code for web_object

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
#   Copyright 2014 Marco Rigoni                                               #
#               #
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify      #
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
#   (at your option) any later version.                                       # 
#																			  #
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           #
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
#   GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
#                                                                             #
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.     #

#note  i put "banana" where there is code to modify in the next release

#import os

from conf import *           # import parameter
global exit  #if exit ==1 all the program stop and exit

global router_hardware_type

[docs]class WebObject(object): # inherit from object python class __slots__ = 'name', 'baz','object_type','start_status','styleDict','htmlDict','cmdDict','note','hardware_pin','HwNodeSerialNumber','spareDict','__dict__' global exit #if exit ==1 all the program stop and exit __object_type="b" #alternative is "s" for status viewer or "t" for timer button or "sb" for static button __function0="" __function1="" __init_function="" __hw_node_name="local" #by default the hw_node is the arduino connected to the pc by usb serialport def __init__(self,name,obj_type="b",start_status=0,styleDictionary={},htmlDictionary={},cmdDictionary={},note=" ",hardware_pin=[9999],HwNodeSerialNumber=0,spareDict={}): self.__object_type=obj_type self.__style0="background-color:red ;" self.__style1="background-color:green ;" self.styleDict={u"0":self.__style0,u"1":self.__style1,u"onoswait":"background-color:grey ;color black","default_s":"background-color:red ;color black"} self.styleDict.update(styleDictionary) self.__style0=self.styleDict[u"1"] self.__style1=self.styleDict[u"0"] #self.style_wait=self.styleDict[u"onoswait"] #banana to remove self.htmlDict={u"0":name+"=0",u"1":name+"=1"} self.htmlDict.update(htmlDictionary) self.html0=self.htmlDict["0"] self.html1=self.htmlDict["1"] self.htmlDict[u"onoswait"]=name+u"WAIT" #self.html_wait=name+u"WAIT" self.html_error=name+u"has status_not_valid" self.cmdDict={u"0":"",u"1":"",u"s_cmd":""} self.cmdDict.update(cmdDictionary) self.__function0=self.cmdDict[u"0"] #banana to remove self.__function1=self.cmdDict[u"1"] #banana to remove self.init_function=self.cmdDict[u"s_cmd"] self.object_name=name self.required_priority=0 self.permissions="111111111" self.owner="onos_admin" #name of the owner["web_interface","onos_mail_guest"] #list of users that can change the webobject self.mail_report_list=[] #list of mail to send the report try: self.attachedScenarios=list(set(self.attachedScenarios + spareDict["scenarios"])) except: self.attachedScenarios=[] #list of attached scenarios #try: # self.obj_address_in_the_node=spareDict["obj_address_in_the_node"] #except: # self.obj_address_in_the_node=9999 # if is 9999 this object is not part of a node try: self.required_priority=spareDict["priority"] except: self.required_priority=0 try: self.permissions=spareDict["perm"] except: self.permissions="111111111" try: self.owner=spareDict["own"] except: self.owner="onos_admin" #name of the webobject owner try: + spareDict["grp"])) except:["web_interface","onos_mail_guest"] #list of users that can change the webobject try: self.mail_report_list= list(set(self.mail_report_list + spareDict["mail_l"])) except: self.mail_report_list=[] #list of mail to send the report self.start_status=start_status self.status=0 #self.pre_previous_status=self.status self.previous_status=self.status self.note=note self.attachedPins=hardware_pin #arduino pin associated with the web object self.HwNodeSerialNumber=HwNodeSerialNumber self.arduinoWriteError=0 #self.analog_threshold=512 #self.__hw_node_name="rasberry_b_rev2_only" #banana to remove self.simply_digital_output_group=["digital_output","b","button"] #makes alias self.general_digital_output_group=self.simply_digital_output_group+["sr_relay"]+["digital_obj"] self.general_analog_output_group=["analog_output","servo_output","numeric_var","analog_obj"] self.general_out_group=self.general_digital_output_group+self.general_analog_output_group+["string_var"] #all output self.simply_digital_input_group=["d_sensor","digital_input"] #make alias self.analog_value_general_group=["analog_output","analog_input","servo_output","numeric_var","cfg_obj"]#objtype with num values self.isActive=1 #tell onos if the web_object is connected or not # os.system("echo classe >> numero_oggetti_classe_webobject.txt")
[docs] def InitFunction(self): #os.system(self.init_function+'> logs/cmd_init.log 2>&1 &') with lock_bash_cmd:'> logs/cmd_init.log 2>&1 &', shell=True,close_fds=True) logprint(self.init_function) if self.status in self.cmdDict.keys(): #os.system(self.cmdDict[status]+'> logs/cmd1.log 2>&1 &') with lock_bash_cmd:[status]+'> logs/cmd1.log 2>&1 &', shell=True,close_fds=True)
[docs] def setStatus(self,status): # set the new status and execute the relative command result=0 #banana to remove a=0 #if (self.status==status): # print "the status to set in is equal to the previus one so i did nothing" # return(1) if (status=="inactive")or(status=="onoswait"): if (self.status!="inactive")&(self.status!="onoswait"): #if the status is not alredy inactive or is not in onoswait self.previous_status=self.status self.status=status return(1) if status in self.cmdDict.keys(): #os.system(self.cmdDict[status]+'> logs/cmd1.log 2>&1 &') with lock_bash_cmd:[status]+'> logs/cmd1.log 2>&1 &', shell=True,close_fds=True) if (self.status!="inactive")&(self.status!="onoswait"): # to never write onoswait or inactive in self.previous_status self.previous_status=self.status self.status=status return(1)
[docs] def setHwNodeSerialNumber(self,HwNodeSerialNumber): # set the hwnode serial number not used self.HwNodeSerialNumber=HwNodeSerialNumber return(1)
[docs] def getHwNodeSerialNumber(self): # get the hwnode serial number return(self.HwNodeSerialNumber)
# def getHwNodeName(self): # get the hwnode # return(self.__hw_node_name)
[docs] def getObjActivity(self): return(self.isActive)
[docs] def setObjActivity(self,value): self.isActive=value return()
[docs] def getNotes(self): return(self.note)
[docs] def setNotes(self,note): self.note=note return(self.note)
[docs] def getStatus(self): return(self.status)
[docs] def getStatusForScenario(self): try: a=float(self.status) return(self.status) # return "inactive" to use it in eval... except: return('"'+self.status+'"') # return "inactive" to use it in eval...
[docs] def getPreviousStatusForScenario(self): try: a=float(self.status) return(self.status) # return "inactive" to use it in eval... except: return('"'+self.status+'"') # return "inactive" to use it in eval...
[docs] def getStartStatus(self): return(self.start_status)
[docs] def getPreviousStatus(self): return(self.previous_status)
[docs] def getStyle(self): #return the actual style of the button if (self.status==0)|(self.status=="0"): return(self.styleDict[u"0"]) if (self.status=="onoswait"): return(self.styleDict[u"onoswait"]) if (self.status==1)|(self.status=="1"): return(self.styleDict[u"1"]) try: return(self.styleDict[self.status]) except: return(self.styleDict[u"default_s"])
# if (self.status>self.analog_threshold): # for analog type # return(self.__style1) # else: # return(self.__style0)
[docs] def getOtherStyle(self): #return the opposite style respect the actual of the button if (self.status==1)|(self.status=="1"): return(self.__style0) if (self.status=="onoswait"): return(self.styleDict[u"onoswait"]) if (self.status==0)|(self.status=="0"): return(self.__style1)
# if (self.status<self.analog_threshold): # for analog type # return(self.__style1) # else: # return(self.__style0)
[docs] def getStyle0(self): #return the static style0 of the button return(self.__style0)
[docs] def setStyle0(self,style): #set the static style0 of the button self.__style0=style return(self.__style0)
[docs] def setStyle1(self,style1): #set the static style1 of the button self.__style1=style1 return(self.__style1)
[docs] def getStyle1(self): #return the static style1 of the button return(self.__style1)
[docs] def getHtml(self): #return the opposite html respect the actual of the web object if (self.status==0)|(self.status=="0"): return(self.htmlDict[u"0"]) if (self.status=="onoswait"): return(self.htmlDict[u"onoswait"]) if (self.status==1)|(self.status=="1"): return(self.htmlDict[u"1"]) return (self.object_name+u"="+str(self.status)) #for analog type
[docs] def getOtherHtml(self): #return the opposite html respect the actual of the web object ,obsolete if (self.status==1)|(self.status=="1"): return(self.html0) if (self.status=="onoswait"): return(self.htmlDict[u"onoswait"]) if (self.status==0)|(self.status=="0"): return(self.html1) return (str(self.status)) #for analog type
[docs] def getHtml0(self): #return the static html0 of the button return(self.html0)
[docs] def getHtml1(self): #return the static html1 of the button return(self.html1)
[docs] def setHtml0(self,html0): #set the static html0 of the button self.html0=html0 self.htmlDict["0"]=html0 return(self.html0)
[docs] def setHtml1(self,html1): #set the static html1 of the button self.html1=html1 self.htmlDict["1"]=html1 return(self.html1)
[docs] def setHtmlWait(self,html_w): #set the static html0 of the button self.htmlDict[u"onoswait"]=html_w return(self.htmlDict[u"onoswait"])
[docs] def setHtmlDictValue(self,key,value): #set the static html1 of the button self.htmlDict[key]=value return(self.htmlDict[key])
[docs] def setHtmlDict(self,htmlDict): #set the static html1 of the button self.htmlDict=htmlDict return(1)
[docs] def getHtmlDict(self): #set the static html1 of the button return(self.htmlDict)
[docs] def changeCommand(self,status,cmd): self.cmdDict[status]=cmd return(self.cmdDict[status])
[docs] def changeCommand0(self,f0): self.cmdDict["0"]=f0 return(self.cmdDict["0"])
[docs] def changeCommand1(self,f1): self.cmdDict["1"]=f1 return(self.cmdDict["1"])
[docs] def getCommand0(self): #return the static command0 of the button return(self.cmdDict["0"])
[docs] def setCommand0(self,command0): #set the static command0 of the button self.cmdDict["0"]=command0 return(self.cmdDict["0"])
[docs] def getCommand1(self): #return the static command1 of the button return(self.cmdDict["1"])
[docs] def setCommand1(self,command1): #set the static command0 of the button self.cmdDict["1"]=command1 return(self.cmdDict["1"])
[docs] def replaceAttachedScenario(self,previous_scenario_name,new_scenario_name): #attaches a scenario to this webobject if previous_scenario_name in self.attachedScenarios: self.attachedScenarios.remove(previous_scenario_name) if new_scenario_name not in self.attachedScenarios: self.attachedScenarios.append(new_scenario_name) return(1) return(0)
[docs] def removeAttachedScenario(self,scenario): #attaches a scenario to this webobject if scenario in self.attachedScenarios: self.attachedScenarios.remove(scenario)
[docs] def attachScenario(self,scenario): #attaches a scenario to this webobject logprint("scenario:"+scenario+" attached to webobject") if scenario not in self.attachedScenarios: self.attachedScenarios.append(scenario) return(1)
[docs] def getListAttachedScenarios(self): return (self.attachedScenarios)
[docs] def getInitCommand(self): #return the static init_command of the button return(self.init_function)
[docs] def setInitCommand(self,init_command): #set the static init_command of the button self.init_function=init_command return(self.init_function)
[docs] def setAttachedPin(self,pin): self.attachedPins[0]=pin self.setType(self.__object_type) return (self.attachedPins[0])
[docs] def getAttachedPinList(self): """ | Return a list containing the object pins used in the hardware and if the webobject is a is a digital_obj | or an analog_obj or ...obj it will return the address of this object in the node, | example: 0 means first object in the node, 1 means second object in the node ... | """ return (self.attachedPins)
[docs] def validateStatusToSetObj(self,status): #return 1 if the status is compatible with the webobject type and is an output or variable .. #return 2 if the status is compatible with the webobject type and is an input #return -1 otherwise # if (status==True)or(status=="True"): # status="1" # if (status==False)or(status=="False"): # status="0" is_number=0 is_output=0 if (status=="inactive") or (status=="onoswait"): return(1) try: status=float(status) is_number=1 except: logprint("the status value passed is not a number is:"+str(status)+"end",verbose=10) is_number=0 if (self.__object_type in self.general_out_group ): is_output=1 if (self.__object_type in self.general_digital_output_group )|(self.__object_type in self.simply_digital_input_group): #only binary if is_number==1: #the value is a number if (status>1)|(status<0): # not binary data if (self.attachedPins!=[9999]): # if the obj has a pin return (-1) if is_output==1: return(1) else: return(2)#is input else: return(-1) #not a number if self.__object_type in self.analog_value_general_group: # the value must be a float or binary one if is_number==1: #the value is a number if is_output==1: return(1) else: return(2) else: return(-1) #not a number if self.__object_type=="string_var": #text return (1)
[docs] def getPermissions(self): tmp1=int(self.permissions[0])+int(self.permissions[1])+int(self.permissions[2]) #get 7 from "111" tmp2=int(self.permissions[3])+int(self.permissions[4])+int(self.permissions[5]) tmp3=int(self.permissions[6])+int(self.permissions[7])+int(self.permissions[8]) perm=str(tmp1)+str(tmp2)+str(tmp3) return(perm)
[docs] def checkPermissions(self,user,action,priority): #check the permission for the user and action passed if (self.getPermissions()=="777") |(priority==10)|(priority==99) : return (1) if action=="r": if user == self.owner: #the user is owner if self.permissions[0]=="1" : #the owner has read access return (1) if user in : #the user is in the group if self.permissions[3]=="1" : #the group has read access return (1) if self.permissions[6]=="1" : #anyone has read access return (1) return(-1) #the user has not write access if action=="w": if user == self.owner: #the user is owner if self.permissions[1]=="1" : #the owner has write access return (1) if user in : #the user is in the group if self.permissions[4]=="1" : #the group has write access return (1) if self.permissions[7]=="1" : #anyone has write access return (1) return(-1) #the user has not write access if action=="x": if user == self.owner: #the user is owner if self.permissions[2]=="1" : #the owner has write access return (1) if user in : #the user is in the group if self.permissions[5]=="1" : #the group has write access return (1) if self.permissions[8]=="1" : #anyone has write access return (1) return(-1) #the user has not write access return(-1) #the user has not write access
[docs] def setPermissions(self,perm): perm=bin(int(perm[0]))[2:]+bin(int(perm[1]))[2:]+bin(int(perm[2]))[2:] #get "111 111 111" from "777" self.permissions=str(perm) return(self.permissions)
[docs] def setOwner(self,owner): self.owner=owner return(self.owner)
[docs] def getOwner(self): return(self.owner)
[docs] def addToGroup(self,username): if username not in return(
[docs] def removeFromGroup(self,username): if username in group : return(
[docs] def getMailReport(self): #print "report mail list:",self.mail_report_list return(self.mail_report_list)
[docs] def setMailReport(self,mail_to_add_to_list): #add a list of mails to witch onos will send notes about this objec self.mail_report_list=self.mail_report_list+mail_to_add_to_list self.mail_report_list=list(set(self.mail_report_list)) #print "set mail report",self.mail_report_list return(self.mail_report_list)
[docs] def getGroup(self): return(
[docs] def setRequiredPriority(self,priority): self.required_priority=priority return(self.required_priority)
[docs] def getRequiredPriority(self): return(self.required_priority)
[docs] def checkRequiredPriority(self,agent_priority): #retutn -1 if the priority the agent has is les than required if agent_priority<self.required_priority: #print "error ,required priority is "+str(self.required_priority) #errorQueue.put("error ,required priority is "+str(self.required_priority) ) return(-1) else: return(1)
[docs] def getType(self): return(self.__object_type)
[docs] def setType(self,current_type): self.__object_type=current_type #if (self.__object_type=="d_sensor"): #hardware.setPinMode(self.__hw_node_name,self.attachedPins[0],"DINPUT") # if (self.__object_type=="sb"): # hardware.setPinMode(self.__hw_node_name,self.attachedPins[0],"DOUTPUT") banana # if (self.__object_type=="b"): # hardware.setPinMode(self.__hw_node_name,self.attachedPins[0],"DOUTPUT") #to implement analog sensor and pwm output and servo controll return(self.__object_type)
[docs] def getName(self): return(self.object_name)
[docs] def setName(self,new_name): self.object_name=new_name return(self.object_name)
[docs] def getObjectDictionary(self): tmp_dict={u"objname":self.object_name,u"type":self.__object_type,u"status":self.status,u"styleDict":self.styleDict,u"htmlDict":self.htmlDict,u"cmdDict":self.cmdDict,u"notes":self.note,u"node_sn":self.HwNodeSerialNumber,u"pins":self.attachedPins,u"scenarios":self.attachedScenarios,u"priority":self.required_priority,u"perm":self.permissions,u"own":self.owner,u"grp",u"mail_l":self.mail_report_list} return(tmp_dict)